Psychic Reading and Healing Services via Zoom
15 Minute Consultation 20 Minute Spiritual Reading 30 - 60 - 90+ Minute Sessions Universe Work - Quoted when Requested Descriptions of Healing Modalities
Used in Our Services Spiritual Diagnosis with Healing (Saib yaig thiab pab) A channeling and tuning into any life situation that you may have a concern to know more about. I am direct yet empathic, compassionate and will let you know what I hear from my spiritual guides as this is most accurate, whether you would like to hear it or not. The truth. Please be respectful as we are only here to assist you in your life situations. Please come into a psychic reading or spiritual diagnosis with an open mind. There may also be a cleansing of the spirit and healing of the person, situation, or both as much as possible and as allowed in this session. There is healing done throughout the session. Benefits: Gain clarity of the “road” ahead and possible future options ahead of time and move forward in transformation with healing modalities, receive spiritual gifts, helps to open your mind to your self-truth, find root cause of the matter, gain a "know how" to make life decisions, gain teachings from a Master Healer, and much more. Chi (Qi) Focus Point & Spiritual Healing (Spiritual x-ray and Surgery) (Saib ci thiab kho nrog ci) Your current energetic centers (aura and chakras;qi) are scanned using intuitive abilities and spiritually diagnosed for its' well-being. Use of Chi energy, spiritual medicine, and spiritual surgery are used to clear, balance, and heal physically, mentally, socially/culturally, and spiritually. Sometimes this healing is focused toward specific physical to life area, situation, individual, group or a combination; specific to a physical/spiritual area or in general. We can do this for individuals, groups, home, pets or business. Benefits: Emotional, stress and trauma release; support of any illness; support relief of, but not limited to, aches, pain and depression, anxiety; allow for body, mind, and spirit to feel more balanced and centered; transformational healing of spiritual and physical bodies as a whole and in turn aids to bring direction into the highest good in a specific or general life area. Clears and removes any negative or unwanted energies Shamanic Healing and Folk Practice (Kho nrog kev ua neeb ua yaig) This is a deeper mediation, healing, manifestation session and is usually suggested by the Shaman after an initial reading called a "spiritual diagnosis" depending on the situation. It may require preparation and prescheduling ahead of time. Ritual varies greatly on individual or family and sacrifice necessary for total healing. This ritual is performed by the Shaman being in a subconscious state (automatic shaking) as a mediator between the physical and spiritual worlds or channeling as a mediator in a subconscious state (non-shaking) and connecting to other dimensions. There will usually be sound and Shamanic tools used during the ritual. Benefits: Transformational healing in total life path and direction; helps to synchronize destiny with a specific highest good path; brings greater-than-you-know-it abundance to guide ones’ destiny into their highest good immediately and over a period of time. Variety of Healing Modalities we offer (Saib thiab pab)
FaLiThi Chi Restorative Movement - energy cultivation A Self-cultivation of positive energy, internally or externally, to balance health, physicality, mental alertness, alleviate stress, or assist with other life situations through movement meditation as a way of life. This simple movement activity can be utilized as a relaxation and healing inner-energy exercise or a physical and healing strength/tone-out body exercise depending on the goals of the participant(s). The instructor/energy healer will tune in energies of the participant(s) while bridging positive energies to their bodies standing at a distance one-to-one or in front of the class as a whole. Perfect for the individual who seeks and has the desire to take control of themselves, habits, and their life situations. Some Benefits to begin the journey of self-discovery and healing through FaLiThi Chi: • Improvement in awareness of the internal and external self • Improvement of self focus and positive determination • Cultivation of positive energy to help in reduction of stress and dealing with anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions affecting overall self • Increase overall strength and balance of mind, body, and spirit • Complementary and alternative support for an illness or recovery from illness, eating disorders, injury, addiction, and traumatic events • Complementary and alternative support to release unwanted habits |
Spiritual Journey